Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Monday, February 18, 2008

When you've had enough of the feePay game,

be sure to check out iOffer.com.

Please make sure your speakers are turned on.



Thursday, February 14, 2008

BOYCOTT EBAY 2/18-2/25!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Protest Video 6

Protest Video 5

Protest Video 4

CNN article on alternatives to eBay

CNN article on eBay conflict and alternatives

Here's a great CNN article about the recent eBay conflict and some alternative sites.

WIRED article

WIRED eBay boycott article

Here's an article on Wired's website.

US News article

USNEWS eBay article

Check out this article at US News.
Here's an article at CNN Money.

eBay Boycott on CNNMoney

Uncle Griff's Chatter about Feedback Changes

I would never have known about the new feedback changes on their way, if I had not seen the link on my eBay main page to "Uncle Griff's" letter about it in The Chatter. The article is called "Feedback Changes - Griff's Perspective." Then I clicked on the link at the bottom of the article and read the feedback eBay buyers and sellers were giving in the eBay Forum responses to Griff's blog. I strongly encourage you to check this issue out for yourself. Be aware that some offensive language in Griff's blog was removed by eBay. (If anyone has a copy of the original post from Griff, please send it my way.)

Protest Video 3

Protest Video 2

Protest Video

JOIN IN the BOYCOTT from 2/18-25, 2008!

Buyers and sellers on the world's biggest online auction site are organizing a boycott from February 18 through 25, 2008.

Please consider joining in the protest: no buying or selling at GreedBAY during that week.

Sellers are unhappy about the new fee increases. Buyers and sellers alike are upset about changes in the new feedback system, as well as the company's recent name-calling and shocking attitude toward its customers.